Articles | Volume 10, issue 5
Research article
24 Oct 2016
Research article |  | 24 Oct 2016

Macromolecular composition of terrestrial and marine organic matter in sediments across the East Siberian Arctic Shelf

Robert B. Sparkes, Ayça Doğrul Selver, Örjan Gustafsson, Igor P. Semiletov, Negar Haghipour, Lukas Wacker, Timothy I. Eglinton, Helen M. Talbot, and Bart E. van Dongen

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The Cryosphere, 12, 3293–3309,,, 2018
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Source, transport and fate of soil organic matter inferred from microbial biomarker lipids on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
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GDGT distributions on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: implications for organic carbon export, burial and degradation
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Cited articles

Alling, V., Sanchez-Garcia, L., Porcelli, D., Pugach, S., Vonk, J. E., van Dongen, B., M orth, C.-M., Anderson, L. G., Sokolov, A., Andersson, P., Humborg, C., Semiletov, I., and Gustafsson, Ö.: Nonconservative behavior of dissolved organic carbon across the Laptev and East Siberian seas, Global Biogeochem. Cy., 24, GB4033,, 2010.
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Barden, H. E., Wogelius, R. A., Li, D., Manning, P. L., Edwards, N. P., and van Dongen, B. E.: Morphological and Geochemical Evidence of Eumelanin Preservation in the Feathers of the Early Cretaceous Bird, Gansus yumenensis, PLoS ONE, 6, 1–9,, 2011.
Belicka, L. L. and Harvey, H. R.: The sequestration of terrestrial organic carbon in Arctic Ocean sediments: A comparison of methods and implications for regional carbon budgets, Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac., 73, 6231–6248,, 2009.
Bischoff, J., Sparkes, R. B., Dogrul Selver, A., Spencer, R. G. M., Gustafsson, Ö., Semiletov, I. P., Dudarev, O. V., Wagner, D., Rivkina, E., van Dongen, B. E., and Talbot, H. M.: Source, transport and fate of soil organic matter inferred from microbial biomarker lipids on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, Biogeosciences, 13, 4899–4914,, 2016.
Short summary
The permafrost in eastern Siberia contains large amounts of carbon frozen in soils and sediments. Continuing global warming is thawing the permafrost and releasing carbon to the Arctic Ocean. We used pyrolysis-GCMS, a chemical fingerprinting technique, to study the types of carbon being deposited on the continental shelf. We found large amounts of permafrost-sourced carbon being deposited up to 200 km offshore.