Farewell to the founding editors of The Cryosphere

29 March 2017

Ten years ago, there were already a large number of EGU journals spanning a wide breadth of Earth science topics, but Jonathan Bamber and Michiel van den Broeke realized that the cold regions of our planet were not given the focus they deserved. The journal The Cryosphere was therefore launched in October 2007 as a result of their dynamic action. In its first full year of publication in 2008, 17 papers were published. Last year the journal featured 192 papers in essentially all aspects of the cryospheric sciences. Its impact factor has exceeded 5 and stories from articles published in The Cryosphere are frequently reported in the general press, illustrating the global impact of the journal. Michiel retired from his co-editor-in-chief duties a few months ago, and Jonathan will be serving the EGU as president as of 24 April 2017. Both of these dynamic scientists have now passed on the torch to a new enthusiastic team that is doing its best to keep improving the successful journal. Many grateful thanks to both founding editors of The Cryosphere, and let us wish them the very best in their new missions.

Florent Dominé, Olaf Eisen, Stephan Gruber, G. Hilmar Gudmundsson, and Thomas Mölg TC Co-Editors-in-Chief